"The princess heard the noise. She looked out of a window. She saw the King and she started to laugh."This story is very interesting. Chip read a book. This book is the princess who couldn't laugh. He said to Biff and Kipper," makes me laugh".
Biff couldn't laugh to him. Kipper has a joke teeth. Chip was very laugh.
Suddenly, the magic key was glow. The key took them to the village. Prencess couldn't laugh in the village. They showed a joke teeth to the King. The King was very laugh. He decided to see it for the princess, but a dog ran way and he brought a joke teeth. The children and the King ran after a dog. Chip got a dog, but a joke teeth was broken. The princess heard the moise. She saw the King. She was very laugh. The King was very happy. The children didn't know why she was laugh. (6919/12000)
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